First Name
Last Name
Street Address 1
Street Address 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Date of Birth
Why are you interested in joining the Building Futures Project?
Do you have any prior experience in construction, demolition, or related fields? YesNo
If yes, please describe.
What are your career goals, and how do you think this program will help you achieve them?
Are you available to commit to the full 4-6 week program?
Do you have reliable transportation to attend training at the Fresh Family Training Facilities?
Are there any barriers (e.g., childcare, scheduling conflicts) that might affect your ability to attend? YesNo
Do you already have any of the following certifications? (e.g., Hazpower 40, OSHA 10, CPR)
Are you comfortable working with tools, in a team, and in physical labor settings?
Are you a resident, live, work, play. Or have any other connection to the Skyway/West Hill area? YesNo
Describe your past and/or current connection to Skyway?
How do you see yourself contributing to your community after completing this program?
These questions will not affect your ability to enter the program.
Have you ever been incarcerated?
Have you ever experienced homelessness?
What is your gender?
What is your race/ethnicity?
Do you have any questions or additional comments you'd like to share?
How did you hear about the Building Futures Project?
Full Name